Sender richtung?

                              Another bargain in the flea market.


            The price was a little high but who ever purchases this radio will then
have to begin a quest for the "Holly Grill".               


                             Joe finds another goodie.

                More flea market video click here.


                  Another paint dealer. I have not tried his paint but here is the link.



              Dale KW1I confirms deployment orders with Pete WB3JWU.



          John has 18 antennas on his truck. You just can't have enough antennas.



                                 Eugene W2HX takes a break.



            W2HX's Land Rover powered by propane for more reliability.
While climbing rough terrain it will even run side down.




                Joe and Al prepare for the now famous Friday evening transmitter hunts.
                     Two events, one for older tube type equipment such as the BC-611 and DAV. Another
                event for modern equipment.

                BC-611 DF info can be found at:


              Or just the AN-190 antenna info can be found at:


                    Info on home brew loopstick DF antennas can be found at:




                                 Al N3FRQ and his DF gear.

                      Al's secret power supply for the DAV.


                      Winners Modern and WWII category.
                        Scott N3JZE and Dean KK1K.


                                        KK1K deployed. CLICK

                                      W2HX deployed.

              Alex K2AJR and Yuki KW2K. Yuki has published in Japan's CQ magazine.
        When you visit K1BOZ's flea market space be sure and look at his collection
of meticulously filed military radio info.

                                              I couldn't resist.

                                   Dave KB3ELD's rack.
                          Flea market gear.


            K4CHE's battery power supply for the BC-1306. The 1.5 volt regulator
decided to go South. Notice the 1.5 volt battery on the side which put the set on
the air.
              Improvise- Adapt-Overcome


                             I don't think these guys ever go to bed.
                  Scott N3JZE, mystery guest and Walt KB3SBC

                           Click here for late night festivities VIDEO

       I wanted a MRCA memento for the 2013 rally, it was late at night, I strolled past all the exhibits
and then saw my Officers Chest. There it was, brought to me just like room service. Thank you



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